Covid Precautions
::Masks Required for All::
Because we care about your health, masks are required for guests and crew throughout the theatre. Your mask must cover your nose and mouth and fit snugly around your face and chin. Neck gaiters, open-chin bandanas and masks with vents or exhalation valves are not acceptable at this time. If needed, masks are available to purchase for just $1.
::Reduced Auditorium Capacities::
Digimax auditoriums are at 40% capacity or less, based on municipality guidelines. In auditoriums, our new ticketing technology will block the seats on either side of your selection, and there is already enough space between rows to allow for social distancing.
In auditoriums that do not offer reserved seating, please make sure to leave adequate distance between yourself and other guests.
::Daily Associate Health Screenings:: Managers and crew members have their temperatures read before starting their shifts. Anyone who has a fever or symptoms is required to self-quarantine until symptom free for at least 72 hours.
::Thoroughly Enhanced Cleaning Procedures:: We’ve stepped up our cleaning game throughout the theatre and added extra time between movies so our crew can take extra care disinfecting the auditorium before your show. Check out our new cleaning policies, advised by Clorox®, the world leader in all things clean.

::Daily Associate Health Screenings:: Managers and crew members have their temperatures read before starting their shifts. Anyone who has a fever or symptoms is required to self-quarantine until symptom free for at least 72 hours.
::Thoroughly Enhanced Cleaning Procedures:: We’ve stepped up our cleaning game throughout the theatre and added extra time between movies so our crew can take extra care disinfecting the auditorium before your show. Check out our new cleaning policies, advised by Clorox®, the world leader in all things clean.